Current Condition: overcast clouds
Temperature: 64.4˚F
Feels Like: 64.9˚F
Wind Speeds: 9.75mph
Weather humidity: 93%
Chance of Precipitation: %
Summer office hours are Monday-Thursday, 7:00 am – 4:00 pm
Katrina Ardoin, Principal
Lisa Jack, Assistant Principal
David Ardoin, Assistant Principal
Barbara Lee, Assistant Principal
Deborah Charles, Secretary
Holly Romero, Secretary
Heather Launey, Nurse
Nurse Ph #: 363-6382
Cafeteria Ph #: 363-3455
Items needed for Registration:
Birth Certificate
Social Security Card
Shot Records
2 proofs of address (utility bills, rent/lease receipt, phone or cable bill, )
Transferring students need a withdrawl form and last report card.
Items needed for Pre-K Registration:
Birth Certificate
Social Security Care
Shot Records
2 proofs of address (utility bills, rent/lease receipt, phone or cable bill)
Proof of income for two months for whole household.